Business (and domain) Names are HARD
A rose by any other name… blah blah blah. Welcome to the new millennium. Names count, and they are HARD! It’s not only hard to be clever or original, it’s downright impossible when coming up with a Business/Domain name that is actually available.
But there’s help!
The brilliant folks at Shopify have done the work. They’ve highlighted 10 business name generators in a blog post, starting with their own, and including 9 others. Most offer similar results and work well for idea generation.
Click here to see Shopify’s Blog Post with the Name Generators
It used to be a really-big-deal in SEO to have your keyword as part of your domain (thus:; it can still have an impact, but it is not as critical as it once was. Far better to consider the long-term marketability of your domain.
Have a look at the post if you’re considering a new website.