YouTube SEO Cheat Sheet

youtube cheat sheet infographic

Using video as part of your marketing plan is a smart move these days. Even smarter is getting the most out of your efforts by applying basic SEO to your YouTube videos. Like photos on your website, YouTube & Google have limited ability to understand what your video is about unless you tell them. You…

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Top 5 Tips from “Duct Tape Marketing” by John Jantsch

The book “Duct Tape Marketing” by John Jantsch is easily one of my favorite business marketing books. Jantsch takes tried-and-true marketing concepts and breaks them down into understandable, usable, basic methods – suitable for the average business person. In no particular order, here are my favorite strategies: Identify your ideal client (page 2). This is…

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FREE Bing Local listings = FREE Advertising

Here is an internet marketing secret most people ignore: get your business in Bing Places (Bing Local). While you might think nobody actually uses Bing, you would be wrong! Bing is the default search on every iOS device sold in America. If you talk to Siri, or use spotlight to search, you are using Bing,…

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Promoting Your Business Using Press Releases

Press releases are a great way to get media coverage of your business as well as links to your website. The trick is getting the press releases to the right people. There are several ways to go about this, some are free and some cost money. For now, let’s consider the free options. There are…

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Why Small Businesses Need Both A Logo And An Identity System

By Erin Ferree Experts urge small business owners to “brand” their business – to use a logo and a set of consistent marketing materials. But, they rarely go into the reasons behind this advice. Here’s a list of some of the benefits to having a professionally designed logo and marketing package: Not to look so…

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